MOUNT SNOW, VT - Mt. Snow was a futuristic wonderland in the 50'S, 60's and 70's with outdoor pools, indoor skating rinks and
frozen fountains with slalom courses.
BLUEBIRD EXPRESS (LEITNER-POMA) - Built in the summer of 2011, this six-pack replaced the summit Local triple.
The lift Pays hommage to Mt Snow's famous bubble lifts of the past and will act as the main base to summit lift
with the Grand Summit Express taking second fiddle.
GRAND SUMMIT EXPRESS (YAN/POMA) - This chair follows the line of the former summit gondola which it replaced.
It was originaly built in 1987 by Yan and called the Yankee Clipper Quad. Around 1997 the quad recieved its first rebuild by
Poma and was renamed the Clipper. When the grand summit hotel was built the quad recieved another name change to Grand
Summit Express. The lift has also undergone additional upgrades by Poma since then. When first modified the summit terminal
looked like the base terminal with no glass top. The chair was upgraded a second time to increase capacity and the glass top was
added to the summit terminal. The last pic in the first row shows the 2 layers of modification (notice the 2 different layers of green
sheet metal). The second row pictures show the chair following its 2011 renovation where the lift received new Leitner-Poma chairs and
base terminal upgrades.
EGO ALLEY (YAN/CARLEVARO SAVIO) - Constructed in 1985, the Ego Alley triple not only follows the line of the former Gondola
two, but actually utilizes several of the components of its predecessor. Many of the towers were from Gondola 2 and the lift terminates
in the original Mid-Mountian racegate/unload station. The drive, chairs, return and sheaves were all replaced by Yan. The lift
was further modified when it's bottom terminal was moved uphill to accomodate the construction of the Grand Summit Hotel. The
lift towers display an interesting mix of eras with both Yan tubular towers and Carlevario-Savio lattice type towers.
SUNDANCE TRIPLE (YAN) - Built in 1984 to replace the original Carlevaro-Savio Sundance Double. The loading terminal was
moved uphill so the lift was 3/4 of its original length in 1997. This is when the Tumbleweed chair was added making the journey
to the summit from Sundance a two lift trip. This was to improve skier flow and shortening the long cold summit lift which was
unpopular because of its length.
TUMBLEWEED (YAN)- Originally built on the Beaver slope as the Beaver Triple in 1984 the lift was relocated to the Sundance base in 1997
when the Grand Summit Hotel was built. When Tumbleweed was installed the Sundance triple's loading area was moved uphill to
Tumbleweeds unloading terminal. This created better skier flow as the Sundance was a long cold ride.
SEASON'S DOUBLE (HALL) - This 1972 chair serves both as a beginner chair and provides ski in ski out access to the slopes for The
Seasons condominiums. It is located in the Sundance area.
LIFT 10 - OUTPOST (NORTH FACE TRIPLE) (YAN/CTEC) - This chair evolved. The original North Face double recieved a Yan Drive in 1982. In 1985
It recieved a Yan return. Finally in 1987 new CTEC towers were erected and triple chairs hung. The Lift became the North Face Triple and was later
renamed the Outpost Triple.
CHALLENGER TRIPLE (YAN) - This chair was added in 1982 to supplement the original North Face Double, running parallel one trail over.
BEAR TRAP (YAN/CTEC/CARLEVARO-SAVIO) - Another chair that evolved into a new chair, the beartrap is a true
Frankenlift! It was originally chair was constructed in 1969 and was a Carlevaro-Savio lift. In 1985 it recieved the Yan
Drive room with a new Kissling gear box, AC motor with an eddy current clutch that were in old lift #5, (one of the Ramsey
“monorails”) and the APU from #9, a 225 Chrysler. In 1990 the lift recieved a CTEC return terminal. In 1992 the towers and
chairs were replaced with Yan Tubular stantions and chairs. Several Carlevaro-Savio sheaves remain on the lift and the last
tower is an original C&S tower with a new crossarm. Many of the replacement Sheave trains came from the Killington Gondola.
SUNBROOK TRIPLE (CTEC) - Added in 1990, this quad provdes convenient access to the Sunbrook terrain.
NITRO EXPRESS (POMA) - In 1997 this Quad replaced the original Riblet Carinthia Double Chair.
HEAVY METAL (YAN) - Built in 1987 as the Fairway Double, it was renamed in 1997.
GONDOLA 1 (CARLERVARO-SAVIO) - Built in 1964 and billed as "Vermont's Only Skis On Gondola" this two passenger
lift was certainly unique. Clamshell like covers wrapped around skiers in detachable double chairs keeping them warm on
the long trip from base to summit. As the area's signiture lift it outlived its younger sister lift until 1986 when one of the
cabins became stuck on a tower near the summit. The next cabin would hit the one in front of it knockng the first cabin down.
This repeated several times before the lift was stopped bringing one of history's great lifts to an unfortunate end. It was replaced
the next season by the Yankee Clipper Quad (Grand Summit Express). In the fourth picture notice the added PHB/Hall tripod towers.
These were most likely added around 1972 probably to lower the profile of the lift for wind protection. The last picture shows the
summit gondola station under construction.
NORTH FACE (CARLERVARO SAVIO) - Installed in 1963 as the centerpiece of the North face expansion, this chair
was the only chair in the North Face Bowl until 1982 when the Challenger triple was installed parallel to it. The Chair
AIRCAR (CARLERVARO SAVIO) - Built in 1964 this four passenger jig back tramway connected guests of the Snow lake Lodge
with the ski area base. Guests would glide over the lake past Fountain Mountain to the base of the gondolas. The Aircar was last seen
in the ski school playground around 1985.
SUNDANCE (CARLERVARO SAVIO) - Built in the early 1960's as part of the Sundance expansion this lift ran from
the Sundance base to the summit. It was replaced in 1984 with a Yan triple chair.
CARINTHIA DOUBLE (RIBLET) - Built in 1983 when Carinthia was a seperate area. This lift ran until 1997 when it
was replaced by the Nitro Express
SKI BABA (BORVIG) - Built in 1979 this lift serviced learn to ski terrain at Carinthia. It was constructed when Carinthia
was a seperate ski area. It was the only chairlift in Vermont without safety bars. The lift was replaced with a magic carpet
in the summer of 2016.
MIXING BOWL (RAMSEY) - During Mount Snow's early years owner Walt Schoenknecht built several conveyor type
lifts that had very high capacities for their time. They ran on chains and conveyor lines very close to the ground. The Mixing Bowl
was the last remaining of these lifts and was removed in 1997 sadly replaced by a magic carpet.
CHAIR 3 SUMMIT (RAMSEY) - One of Walt Schoenknecht's Ramsey conveyor lifts, this chair traversed the top 3rd of the mountain begining
around the top of the Canyon terminating where the Summit Local ends now.
CHAIR 6 SOUTH BOWL (RAMSEY) - One of Walt Schoenknecht's Ramsey conveyor lifts, this lift is shown parallel to the lift that
was the ultimate cause of demise. With the high speed, covered, skis on Carlevaro Savio Telecar gondola traversing the entire
Mountain, the lift saw less use.
CHAIR 9 STANDARD DOUBLE (CARLEVARO-SAVIO/YAN) - Originally named the Snowdance Double. When built in 1961 the
lift crossed over the Exhibition conveyor lift. In the early 1980's the lift was upgraded with a new Yan tension
terminal and Yan chairs. It was removed in 1996 when both the Standard and Canyon double chairs were replaced with the
Canyon High Speed Quad.
CHAIR 8 BEAVER TRIPLE (YAN) - Built in 1984 this lift replaced the Beaver double. In 1997 it was relocated
to make room for the Grand Summit Hotel and re-installed as the Tumbleweed chair.
CHAIR 8 BEAVER (CARLEVARO-SAVIO) - This Carlevaro-Savio double chair ran next to the Little Beaver conveyor
lift but ended a bit further up hill. It was replaced in 1984 with a Yan Triple chair.
CHAIR 1 LITTLE BEAVER (RAMSEY) - One of Walt's conveyor lifts it was removed in 1984 when the Beaver Triple was installed.
SUMMIT LOCAL (YAN) - Built in 1978 to supplement the original summit gondola, this lift was originally named the
Summit Triple. This lift was replaced in 2011 with the Bluebird Express.
BASE LODGE & POOL -Back in the heyday of Mt Snow the base lodge had an outdoor heated pool!
SUMMIT LODGE -Taken in the mid 60's Mt Snow's original summit lodge matched the architecture of the base.
Thank you to Jon Abel for a great deal of the lift information! Picture 63-70, thanks to Don Cosgrove
Picture 78 thanks to Bob Pirie.